Monday, April 19, 2010


By Apostle W. K. Korir,


Please analyse critically the arguements being advanced by the Politicians and obtain a copy of the constitution and read line by line to compare what the Politicians are saying with the contents contained in the document and make your informed decision on which way to vote whether it is YES! OR NO!. We become suspicious when Politicians goes to fight it out in the open declaring their stand and as to why the Wananchi should Vote alongside what they believe in. The Government or Politician aligned to the two key leaders; the President and the Prime Minister backed by the Cotu Secretary have sent their teams throughout the country to preach the message to the Public to Vote for YES! They used the Tax Payers Money to organise various Forums in various venues in the country to chat the way to vote. They were a divided lot all along. They went to Parlaiment and they confused themselves and they failed or refused to make amendments to the presented Draft Constitution. The Draft Constitution will be presented for a refurendum; and the Politicians have stolen the show and are now roaming through the country confusing themselves and doing a lot of damage in confusing the public. I was shocked to hear a senior politician to confess in public that she has now understood that the Draft Constitution was good contrary to what she was being told.

Why can't they release the Draft Constitution to the public (Kenyan Voters) and leave them to make their informed decision in Voting for it whether YES or NO!

The Politician should let the Kenyans vote for the Draft Constitution according to their will. The Politicians should instead engage Lawyers assist in interpreting what the clauses in the Draft means.

I urge all Kenyans to ignore this fellows and VOTE WISELY! VOTE FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN NOT WHAT THEY TELL YOU!