The cross fire between the two was so drastic that it caused a serious rift between the Kikuyu community and the Luo community to this day. Oginga Odinga's strengths over his son Raila Odinga is that he was an eloquent citizen and courages. He speech was powerful and apt. Raila on the other hand is a poor orator and one can hardly understands what he tries to communicate. His speeches could better be communicated by his right hand men such as Anyang Nyongo or somene else.
So Odinga accused Kenyatta of not going to meet the people.
Out Kenyatta and in Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi - It would appear Arap Moi took seriously the statement by Oginga Odinga. So Moi shuttled from Coast to Western from Namanga to Kapenguria, from kisumu to Wajir to meet the people. It was his principle for all the MPs and Ministers to follow him wherever he went. PS,s Managing Directors of State Corporations also followed the president. Every body who mattered in the government went to receive Moi at the Airport whenever he was arriving from overseas trips. Lots of resources were spent - and Many top government officials abandon their duties to attend to the President's open air meetings. Some people who disagreed with Moi's style of leadership wrote- "The President suffers from foot and mouth disease -i.e walking around too much and speaking a lot often issuing roadside direction on matters of National importance."
Kenya is a wonderful Nation with loyal Kenyans but with explosive leaders! Quaking about and driving themselves into self destructions.
Long Live Kenya! Long Live Kenyan People.
Shame on the headless hapless busy body leaders!