This man is a gently man. He is a patient man and he avoids controversies of all shades. Even as Kenya Armed Forces tame the wayward sons of Somalia the alshabab... Kibaki continues play low. His juniors ... the Prime Minister and even assistant Ministers are heard bragging about the war in Somalia. Kenyans gave mandate to the President of Kenya and he should be the only one to speak with authority on matters of war or His Deputy the Chief of general staff. Raila has been out of order right from the start and I see no reason why he keeps discussing such heavy matters. A true leader ought to be responsible and wel behaved. Kenyans are closely monitoring and judging for the selves as to whether the son of Jaramogi is able to lead Kenyans after the retirement of Mwai Kibaki or the shoe is too big for him. Kenyans this time should not look at a leader from his face value,ond rather the leader should prove beyond reasonable doubt that the man or woman gunning for top seat is pledging to deal with real economic issue or are just en us entertaining crowds in the compaign arenas. Kudos Honourable Mwai and Heko for doing us proud. We have good road networks and I coin you professor of Roads in Kenya!