Monday, August 31, 2009


By Apostle William K Korir,

The Kalenjins now settles in the larger Great Rift Valley. Her origins is traced to Egypt where it is believed to have lived there long enough for the whole country to speak its language. The Kalenjin may have entered Kenya from Sudan - some 2000 years ago. Kalenjin are Nilotics and are currently estimated to be 3 million therefore forming about 12% of the Kenyan population.
The name Kalenjin ( which means " I say -to - you") did not exist before 1950's. The Kalenjins tribe is made up of: Kipsigis,Nandi, Elgeiyo,Endrois,Marakwet,Pokot, Sabaot, Terik and Tugen. There are Sabiny in Uganda and Akie in Tanzania.
The Kalenjins confirms their origin from Egypt by relating the following: The Kipsigis crossed River Kipchooryaan in Kipkelion and went to TUL ap Kipsigis in Londiani where they circumcised the men and before conquiring Sirikwa and Agiek to occupy their land
The Israelites too crossed river Jordan - Yoordan - and went to mount Gilgal where they circumcised their men, before conquiring Canaan and dividing land.
"Choor" in Kisigis means "descend" and equivalent in Hebrew -"Yaarad" or "Jarad"means descend. The Kalenjin could have interacted alot with the Israelites while in Egypt.
Kalenjin have also been at times termed as the running tribe. The Kalenjins have placed Kenya on the world map since 1960s, by leading in the world athlethics, leading to inflows of tourists into the country leading to economic gains for the country.
Kalejins, just as fellow Egyptians used to worship goddes "Isis".Isis was a goddess in the old Egyptian religious beliefs, whose worship spread throughout the Greco -Roman World. She was worshiped as the ideal mother, wife, matron of nature and magic. She was the friend of slaves, sinners, artisans, the downtrodden, as well as listening to the prayers of the wealthy, maidens, aristocrats and rulers. Isis is the Goddess of motherhood and fertility.
Shortly after 2,500 B.C., during the fift dynasty, the first written records concerning the worship of Isis appear. The goddess Isis (the mother of Horus) was the first daughter of Geb, god of the Earth, and Nut, the goddess of the Overarching Sky, and was born on the fourth intercalary day. At some time Isis absorbed some characteristics of Hathor a powerful deity. In later myths about Isis, she had a brother, Osiris, who became her husband, and she then was said to have conceived Horus. Isis was instrumental in the resurrection of Osiris when he was murdered bySeth. Her magical skills restored his body to life after she gathered the body parts that had been strewn about the earth by Seth. This myth became very important in later Egyptian religious beliefs.
Isis is also known as the goddess of simplicity, protecter of the dead and goddess of children from whom all beginnings arose, and was the Lady of bread, of beer, and of green fields. In later myths, Ancient Egyptians believed that the Nile River flooded every year because of her tears of sorrow for her dead husband, Osiris. This occurrence of his death and rebirth was relived each year through rituals. The worship of Isis eventually spread throughout the Greco-Roman world, continuing until the suppression of Paganism in the Christian era.
Out Paganism in Christianity. Jesus our source of light brought Salvation to all mankind and the WORD of Truth is preached to all peoples so that This Truth will set them free. Jesus is coming soon to take His Saints Home - and it is imperative for all to know this Truth and be Blessings from God.
Accept Jesus today and be transformed so as to conform to the devine attributes. God Loves you all.

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