Wednesday, January 19, 2011


IT TAKES YEARS TO BUILT AND CEMENT A RELATIONSHIP. IT requires wisdom to nurture and sustain a relationship. Arap Mibei entered into a political relationship with the Kalenjins and made numerous promises to work together forever and Politically get rid of the Madoadoa (Read Kikuyus). Ara Mibei had hatched a lie and circulated a rumour to the effect that the Madoadoa chairman - read Kibaki, would reposses all the Kalenjin land and give it to the Kikuyus. This way, he potrayed himself to be a perceived saviour of the Kalenjins who would protect them as soon as he ascend to Power. Arap Mibei's statement was well timed and it sank well into the community's who agreed to support the would be "Moses". Arap Mibei was marely playing politics and he marely wanted a bandwagon to use to ascend to POWER!

Meanwhile, they team had gone round promising Kenyans 500,000 jobs and when the Man ascended to his position, it is reliably learnt that Arap Mibei went to Kibaki and told him that it was wise for the two to have zero Kalenjins in the government. Arap mibei stated that - Moi had ruled for 24 years and therefore the community had had enough of the jobs and therefore they should back their things and go home! so as to create 500,000 jobs to other Kenyans. This discussion was held just weeks after the duo agreed to share the government! It is said that Hon. Emilio rejected the idea in TOTO! and swore that he would never run a government of that sort! He disagreed with Raila's Proposal.

That's the true colours of "Arap Mibei"   

It is advisable for Arap Mibe not to waste his valuable time trying to seek votes from the Kalenjins as the community have discovered who he is.