Monday, March 29, 2010

Kalenjin Beyond 2012

It appears the ground has been set for campain for 2012 General election. On Saturday, Honourables Ruto, Keter(Belgut), Simam, and announced that Kalenjin should vote as a block, come 2012 general election. They tore into the ODM Chairman Hon. Kosgey saying he should stop supporting a party which punished the community. They accused the Prime Minister of riding on the back of the community to ascent to power and on entering the power seat; he banged the door on the nose of the commnuity. With the over three million votes delivered as a block  against the PM's 600,000 from his community, this was not a loughing matter. The quatet spitting fire, cautioned that the community will no longer be taken for a ride and that this time round they will field their one of their own. They told Raila that he had lost in the Kalenjin vote and that he should not waste time in the region for his is a gone case.

It remains to be seen whether this reaction by the quartet reflects the feeling of the entire community or just one of those fireworks errupting out of emotional quandary!

Via email.