Thursday, April 8, 2010

Facilitate Remedial Measures or Suspend the Process.

By Kimaru Boiywo, This article was made on 4/4/2010,
(The contributor made is an Associate Director of Rift Valley Development Association (RVDA) )

On 23/09/2009 we made observations on the political development with
Vision and Mission. Our prediction has been vindicated.

The Parliament has endorsed a draft constitution that does not represent
the prayers and the contributions of the people. The Standard Newspaper
of 3/04/2010 gave a hint of what went on. Whichever way the end results
were bad news or indeeed a calamity.

The 2010 daft constitution is basically a deceptive document. It can
only be salvaged in one of the two ways namely;
1) facilitiating remedial measures
2) or suspending the entire processes.

There are valid reason for this position. While a few politicians see
improved document, the draft locks out the prayers and the contributions
of the people, Period! It does not even recall that there was a Bomas
Draft that even had a little bit of the people participation.

Even more horrifying, possible remedial mesures have been locked out again
by politicians with combined use of legal provisions and treacherous tactics
as witnessed in Parliament.

We are therefore back to square one and particuarly 2005. It is said that
history repeats itself. This time round it came too soon. A replay of
2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 has been set in full earnest.

It is imperative therefore to appeal to the Principals to facilitate
remedial measures (some improvements) or to suspend the entire process for
the sake of the country. There are after all equally more important issues
to address than to antagonize the country with total expediency.

Of course, the 3rd option will be to reject it. Large part of the
population is already training their minds on this option.

Let us put our heads together for the sake of this Great Nation - Kenya!
Politicians have so far shown a very high level of irresponsibility and this is totally un-acceptable.