By Apostle W. K. Korir,
Please analyse critically the arguements being advanced by the Politicians and obtain a copy of the constitution and read line by line to compare what the Politicians are saying with the contents contained in the document and make your informed decision on which way to vote whether it is YES! OR NO!. We become suspicious when Politicians goes to fight it out in the open declaring their stand and as to why the Wananchi should Vote alongside what they believe in. The Government or Politician aligned to the two key leaders; the President and the Prime Minister backed by the Cotu Secretary have sent their teams throughout the country to preach the message to the Public to Vote for YES! They used the Tax Payers Money to organise various Forums in various venues in the country to chat the way to vote. They were a divided lot all along. They went to Parlaiment and they confused themselves and they failed or refused to make amendments to the presented Draft Constitution. The Draft Constitution will be presented for a refurendum; and the Politicians have stolen the show and are now roaming through the country confusing themselves and doing a lot of damage in confusing the public. I was shocked to hear a senior politician to confess in public that she has now understood that the Draft Constitution was good contrary to what she was being told.
Why can't they release the Draft Constitution to the public (Kenyan Voters) and leave them to make their informed decision in Voting for it whether YES or NO!
The Politician should let the Kenyans vote for the Draft Constitution according to their will. The Politicians should instead engage Lawyers assist in interpreting what the clauses in the Draft means.
I urge all Kenyans to ignore this fellows and VOTE WISELY! VOTE FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN NOT WHAT THEY TELL YOU!
Kalenjin Information Centre (KIC) is an arena for all Kalenjins to express their views and post interesting topics about the KALEE! people. It is the right place to share your knowledge and it is the market place for sharing information. You are invited to share your educative information/views in this website. Send your typed information to for evaluation and publishing. You may also send your photos by email.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Stephen Koech
My Name is Stephen Kipngetich Koech, from Kericho. I am a B.COM holder from a local Public University, in Kenya. I'am 33 years old and working. I 'am saved and looking for a Kenyan lady aged between 25 and 27 years old, to enter into serious relationships, culminating in marriage. She must have good reputation and must be a Christian (Saved). The Lady should be ready to get married in a period of not more than one and half years.Only Serious Ladies should contact me, through E-mail No. Attach your photo please!
S. Koech
Nairobi, Kenya.
S. Koech
Nairobi, Kenya.
Pauline Chesang Ngenoh

She is married with three grown up children and
she has worked for the following organizations:
- Kenya College of Communication Technology (KCCT)
- Kenya Anti - Corruption Authority (KACA)
Currently working for a State Corporation in Nairobi.
By Weldon Arap Kirui,
And Abraham took a wife, and her name was ketura. She bore him Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishback, and shuah (Genesis 25:1-2).
Until the 1940's Kalenjins were known by four major names, namely; Sebei, Sabaot, Miot and Midian. Sebei (Kalenjin) has been largely mentioned in the Holy Bible; Sabeans, Job 1:5, Ezekiel 23:42.Kalenjins are not only in Kenya but its roots may be traced to Asia, India, Japan, Mauritiuos, Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania etc. Several Pharaohs were Kalenjins and even Moses is believed to have been a Kalenjin. The name Moses was derived from the word Mose - which means child. Moses Maried a Midian (Kalenjin) girl the daughter of Jetro Zipporah. There is a clan in Tugen known as Midian. Midian was one of the sons of Abraham by his wife Keturah. So Kalenjins could be direct descendants of Abraham. The Kalenjins Sabeans dwelth in Arabian desert and where they dispersed all over the world. Many names in India sounds Kalenjin Language and has same meanings. To read more on this topic visit the Link shown above.
By Weldon Arap Kirui,
And Abraham took a wife, and her name was ketura. She bore him Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishback, and shuah (Genesis 25:1-2).
Until the 1940's Kalenjins were known by four major names, namely; Sebei, Sabaot, Miot and Midian. Sebei (Kalenjin) has been largely mentioned in the Holy Bible; Sabeans, Job 1:5, Ezekiel 23:42.Kalenjins are not only in Kenya but its roots may be traced to Asia, India, Japan, Mauritiuos, Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania etc. Several Pharaohs were Kalenjins and even Moses is believed to have been a Kalenjin. The name Moses was derived from the word Mose - which means child. Moses Maried a Midian (Kalenjin) girl the daughter of Jetro Zipporah. There is a clan in Tugen known as Midian. Midian was one of the sons of Abraham by his wife Keturah. So Kalenjins could be direct descendants of Abraham. The Kalenjins Sabeans dwelth in Arabian desert and where they dispersed all over the world. Many names in India sounds Kalenjin Language and has same meanings. To read more on this topic visit the Link shown above.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
By Apostle William Kipyegon Arap Korir,
The "Draft Constitution" have gone through various levels and it is now approaching the last lap. Kenyans have been monitoring the process closely, and I believe they are well informed on the type of document it is being prepared to be presented to the public. Everyone has spoken, Members of the civil society, Community leaders, Lawyers, Individuals, Parliamentarians, and the church leaders. There has been divergent views permiating from all corners of the country relating to the constitution. I agree totaly with Hon. Karua, a legal expert who observed recently that it was very difficult to have a constitution satisfying the needs of the entire country's population of 42 + tribes. If the constitution largely represent a large percentage of our needs then the rest will be handle as and when they come. For some clergy to observe that, since the government had ignored them from the beginning they were going to derail the process just because they have the numbers, is not only height of hypocracy, but the persons have lost direction. The church should not engage in divisive politics but should instead unite Kenyans and pray for sanity in our Great Nation!
The Politicians did their part on the Draft Constitution while in parliament and if they were unable to mobilise support to swing the parliamentarians to vote in their direction, they have no business musquarrading as stewards of their communities during the forthcoming refurendum. All the communities in Kenya are now knowledgeable and they know what they want for their country. Some Mps have been lately making headlines, asking Kenyans to Vote NO! during the Referendum. I strongly believe Kenyans are civil enough to know what they want.
The Kalenjins are independent minded people, most of them well educated and therefore they know what they want and what to vote for in the forth coming Refurrendum. I urge especially politicains from Rift Valley to be responsible and avoid alarmist statements which are mainly selfish in nature. I also urge outspoken leaders to open their eyes and ears so as to see and listen carefully to what others are saying, so as to avoid being sidelined. There is no need to engage in endless confrontation with other leaders; for no one would tell who is telling the truth! Kalenjins needs responsible leadership; and zero confrontational approach. Play Politics with wisdom!
The "Draft Constitution" have gone through various levels and it is now approaching the last lap. Kenyans have been monitoring the process closely, and I believe they are well informed on the type of document it is being prepared to be presented to the public. Everyone has spoken, Members of the civil society, Community leaders, Lawyers, Individuals, Parliamentarians, and the church leaders. There has been divergent views permiating from all corners of the country relating to the constitution. I agree totaly with Hon. Karua, a legal expert who observed recently that it was very difficult to have a constitution satisfying the needs of the entire country's population of 42 + tribes. If the constitution largely represent a large percentage of our needs then the rest will be handle as and when they come. For some clergy to observe that, since the government had ignored them from the beginning they were going to derail the process just because they have the numbers, is not only height of hypocracy, but the persons have lost direction. The church should not engage in divisive politics but should instead unite Kenyans and pray for sanity in our Great Nation!
The Politicians did their part on the Draft Constitution while in parliament and if they were unable to mobilise support to swing the parliamentarians to vote in their direction, they have no business musquarrading as stewards of their communities during the forthcoming refurendum. All the communities in Kenya are now knowledgeable and they know what they want for their country. Some Mps have been lately making headlines, asking Kenyans to Vote NO! during the Referendum. I strongly believe Kenyans are civil enough to know what they want.
The Kalenjins are independent minded people, most of them well educated and therefore they know what they want and what to vote for in the forth coming Refurrendum. I urge especially politicains from Rift Valley to be responsible and avoid alarmist statements which are mainly selfish in nature. I also urge outspoken leaders to open their eyes and ears so as to see and listen carefully to what others are saying, so as to avoid being sidelined. There is no need to engage in endless confrontation with other leaders; for no one would tell who is telling the truth! Kalenjins needs responsible leadership; and zero confrontational approach. Play Politics with wisdom!
Monday, April 12, 2010
By Apostle William Kipyegon Arap Korir,
Dear mighty people of Poland. The whole world assures you that it mourns with you duting this trying moments. God is God and he is with you consoling you, right now and he will take away pain in your souls.Remember that God is faithful and he will bless your great Nation! God cares for you and I have prayed to him, to strengthen each one of you to accept what has happened because your loving President and wife have gone... gone ... gone! they will not come back! Hoever, if you remain faithful to God; perhabs you will meet him in future when Jesus comes back to take his faithful people to heaven. It doesn't matter what you believe in, I want to bring an everlasting message to you and if you receive it, you will be transformed so as to conform to divine attributes in the way God wants you to be. This message is intended for all the Poles (people from Poland) all over the world, and for anyone who mighty be going through similar circumstances. I love you guys and I konw God Loves you more! During this time of grieve, do not look at the problem at hand and loose hope - Just trust in God who knows each and everyone of you by name. God choose all leaders before they are born. He gave you your immediate former President to lead you. He will give you another good leader to be in the shoes of your departed President. God in his Holy Sanctuary in heaven, declares that he has good plans for Polish people, plans to bring you a hope and a prosperous future (Jeremiah 29:11). God declares and assures all peoples of Poland that He is your God and he will hold each one of you by your hand and console you, and wiping your tears flowing like a river saying, "Do not fear, I will help you" (Isaiah 41:13,10).
By Apostle William Kipyegon Arap Korir,

Thursday, April 8, 2010
Political Development with Vision and Mission
By Kimaru Boiywo,
(This article was made on 23/09/2009 . The contributor is an Associate Director - Rift Valley Development Association (RVDA) ).
We have not maintained communication for sometimes. There have been many
reasons for that. We had to see how Coalition Government works. We had to
see the structure and the process of the agenda four (4) of the National
Accord. We even had to wait and see the functioning of the 10th Parliament
under the Coalition System.More importantly, we had to wait and see emerging policies for the real
business; social and economic development including the attendant
liberalization and globalization.We are sure therefore that we have learned enormously during the
intervening period. The global grading of virtually all the things that we
have seen seems to stand at B-. It is not bad because we have been able to sustain peace for at least nearly 20 months. Parliament developed remarkable standing orders and used them to assert itself and for that we
could rightly rate B+. Many negative things have come to pass: poverty, drought, famine,
environmental degradation and attendant Mau debate, and diseases that include swine flu. The nation and the various regions of the nation are virtually struggling with these things. Like Parliament, Professionals may
need to write their own standing orders and use them to be more assertive
in addressing these things.The political arena appears to be more confusing than even before and may
be because of the Coalition, individuals, communities, tribes, political parties and/or other manipulations that are yet to be known.If we may recall, in the beginning the vision and the mission was then reforms and the new constitution. And that is how things like ODM came-up.This vision and mission is presently at the back seat driven by somecommittee of experts that may not even be answerable to any constituency of the people of Kenya.We need to revisit this vision and mission and if not possible we then address other things and forget any pretence. We need to return to political development with vision and mission.
(This article was made on 23/09/2009 . The contributor is an Associate Director - Rift Valley Development Association (RVDA) ).
We have not maintained communication for sometimes. There have been many
reasons for that. We had to see how Coalition Government works. We had to
see the structure and the process of the agenda four (4) of the National
Accord. We even had to wait and see the functioning of the 10th Parliament
under the Coalition System.More importantly, we had to wait and see emerging policies for the real
business; social and economic development including the attendant
liberalization and globalization.We are sure therefore that we have learned enormously during the
intervening period. The global grading of virtually all the things that we
have seen seems to stand at B-. It is not bad because we have been able to sustain peace for at least nearly 20 months. Parliament developed remarkable standing orders and used them to assert itself and for that we
could rightly rate B+. Many negative things have come to pass: poverty, drought, famine,
environmental degradation and attendant Mau debate, and diseases that include swine flu. The nation and the various regions of the nation are virtually struggling with these things. Like Parliament, Professionals may
need to write their own standing orders and use them to be more assertive
in addressing these things.The political arena appears to be more confusing than even before and may
be because of the Coalition, individuals, communities, tribes, political parties and/or other manipulations that are yet to be known.If we may recall, in the beginning the vision and the mission was then reforms and the new constitution. And that is how things like ODM came-up.This vision and mission is presently at the back seat driven by somecommittee of experts that may not even be answerable to any constituency of the people of Kenya.We need to revisit this vision and mission and if not possible we then address other things and forget any pretence. We need to return to political development with vision and mission.
Facilitate Remedial Measures or Suspend the Process.
By Kimaru Boiywo, This article was made on 4/4/2010,
(The contributor made is an Associate Director of Rift Valley Development Association (RVDA) )
On 23/09/2009 we made observations on the political development with
Vision and Mission. Our prediction has been vindicated.
The Parliament has endorsed a draft constitution that does not represent
the prayers and the contributions of the people. The Standard Newspaper
of 3/04/2010 gave a hint of what went on. Whichever way the end results
were bad news or indeeed a calamity.
The 2010 daft constitution is basically a deceptive document. It can
only be salvaged in one of the two ways namely;
1) facilitiating remedial measures
2) or suspending the entire processes.
There are valid reason for this position. While a few politicians see
improved document, the draft locks out the prayers and the contributions
of the people, Period! It does not even recall that there was a Bomas
Draft that even had a little bit of the people participation.
Even more horrifying, possible remedial mesures have been locked out again
by politicians with combined use of legal provisions and treacherous tactics
as witnessed in Parliament.
We are therefore back to square one and particuarly 2005. It is said that
history repeats itself. This time round it came too soon. A replay of
2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 has been set in full earnest.
It is imperative therefore to appeal to the Principals to facilitate
remedial measures (some improvements) or to suspend the entire process for
the sake of the country. There are after all equally more important issues
to address than to antagonize the country with total expediency.
Of course, the 3rd option will be to reject it. Large part of the
population is already training their minds on this option.
Let us put our heads together for the sake of this Great Nation - Kenya!
Politicians have so far shown a very high level of irresponsibility and this is totally un-acceptable.
(The contributor made is an Associate Director of Rift Valley Development Association (RVDA) )
On 23/09/2009 we made observations on the political development with
Vision and Mission. Our prediction has been vindicated.
The Parliament has endorsed a draft constitution that does not represent
the prayers and the contributions of the people. The Standard Newspaper
of 3/04/2010 gave a hint of what went on. Whichever way the end results
were bad news or indeeed a calamity.
The 2010 daft constitution is basically a deceptive document. It can
only be salvaged in one of the two ways namely;
1) facilitiating remedial measures
2) or suspending the entire processes.
There are valid reason for this position. While a few politicians see
improved document, the draft locks out the prayers and the contributions
of the people, Period! It does not even recall that there was a Bomas
Draft that even had a little bit of the people participation.
Even more horrifying, possible remedial mesures have been locked out again
by politicians with combined use of legal provisions and treacherous tactics
as witnessed in Parliament.
We are therefore back to square one and particuarly 2005. It is said that
history repeats itself. This time round it came too soon. A replay of
2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 has been set in full earnest.
It is imperative therefore to appeal to the Principals to facilitate
remedial measures (some improvements) or to suspend the entire process for
the sake of the country. There are after all equally more important issues
to address than to antagonize the country with total expediency.
Of course, the 3rd option will be to reject it. Large part of the
population is already training their minds on this option.
Let us put our heads together for the sake of this Great Nation - Kenya!
Politicians have so far shown a very high level of irresponsibility and this is totally un-acceptable.
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