Thursday, April 8, 2010

Political Development with Vision and Mission

By Kimaru Boiywo,

(This article was made on 23/09/2009 . The contributor is an Associate Director - Rift Valley Development Association (RVDA) ).

We have not maintained communication for sometimes. There have been many
reasons for that. We had to see how Coalition Government works. We had to
see the structure and the process of the agenda four (4) of the National
Accord. We even had to wait and see the functioning of the 10th Parliament
under the Coalition System.More importantly, we had to wait and see emerging policies for the real
business; social and economic development including the attendant
liberalization and globalization.We are sure therefore that we have learned enormously during the
intervening period. The global grading of virtually all the things that we
have seen seems to stand at B-. It is not bad because we have been able to sustain peace for at least nearly 20 months. Parliament developed remarkable standing orders and used them to assert itself and for that we
could rightly rate B+. Many negative things have come to pass: poverty, drought, famine,
environmental degradation and attendant Mau debate, and diseases that include swine flu. The nation and the various regions of the nation are virtually struggling with these things. Like Parliament, Professionals may
need to write their own standing orders and use them to be more assertive
in addressing these things.The political arena appears to be more confusing than even before and may
be because of the Coalition, individuals, communities, tribes, political parties and/or other manipulations that are yet to be known.If we may recall, in the beginning the vision and the mission was then reforms and the new constitution. And that is how things like ODM came-up.This vision and mission is presently at the back seat driven by somecommittee of experts that may not even be answerable to any constituency of the people of Kenya.We need to revisit this vision and mission and if not possible we then address other things and forget any pretence. We need to return to political development with vision and mission.